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Mount with Picgoto


Work was done on the design of a mount that would support the weight of the Skywatcher Dobson 200/1200 Observatory model telescope.

To do this, I made several designs but finally I decided on a platform with wheels that could work both in the altazimuth system and in the equatorial system.

Working equatorially, the platform had to support the entire weight of the inclined equipment, so a counterweight was used to keep the structure completely stable.

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-13 at 18.04

Bearing Change:

The entire original bearing system of the Dobson mount was changed since these were very weak to work in an inclined way. Therefore special bearings were placed in both the Right Ascension and Declination gyrations (equatorially speaking).

Below are the improvements made to the entire bearing system.


Placing "L" supports:

4 "L" supports were placed on the lateral faces of the Dobson frame to prevent the frame from collapsing when rotating in RA. This turning movement causes a very great effort on the lower lateral face of the frame and these supports keep the whole system firm.

soporte L - 1
soporte L - 2

Support bearing addition:

4 bearings were placed that keep the upper turning platform stable so that it does not tilt on its axis when working as an equatorial mount.

These bearings are height adjustable and exert pressure on the platform in such a way that it maintains its stable turning position.

WhatsApp Image 2020-12-12 at 21.47.40
rodamientos - 2
rodamientos - 1

AR Engine Relocation:

The AR motor was moved since where it was initially placed it did not make the correct pressure for the rotation of the base. It was moved and turned 90 ° so that the turning wheel rested on the side rubber of the rotating base of the Dobson mount. In this way an excellent spin was obtained.

The motors are controlled by a PICGOTO circuit specially designed for the telescope.

WhatsApp Image 2019-09-06 at 22.51.38
WhatsApp Image 2020-12-12 at 21.47.45
WhatsApp Image 2020-12-12 at 21.47.41

Test run:

The entire system was tested and found to work perfectly. The AR motor makes the whole structure rotate perfectly and there is no braking or blocking. The DEC motor also performs a correct movement of the tube.

I was very satisfied with the performance of the system in its final test.

Below is a video with the test run.

Final touches:

Once the system had been tested and seen that it works very well, the entire base was painted to achieve a pleasant final aesthetic image of the whole.

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-13 at 18.03.05
WhatsApp Image 2021-02-13 at 18.03
WhatsApp Image 2021-02-13 at 18.03.04
WhatsApp Image 2021-02-13 at 18.03
WhatsApp Image 2021-02-13 at 18.03.59
WhatsApp Image 2021-02-13 at 18.04


Problemas detectados:

El sistema de motorización original no permitía la realización de tomas de corta y larga exposición ya que los motores eran pequeños y a su vez tenían incorporadas unas reductoras planetarias deficientes; esto introducia demasiado backlash en los movimientos por lo que decidí cambiar todo el sistema de motorización y transmisión del telescopio.

Con el asesoramiento de Joaquin Tapioles (Español) del grupo PICGOTO, adquirí los siguientes componentes para realizar las modificaciones necesarias:

  • Juego de Motores paso a paso Nema 17 17HS13-0404S-PG27 L = 33mm con relación de engranaje 27:1 caja de cambios planetaria 0,4a para Robot CNC/impresora 3D. Diametro del eje central de 8mm (Cantidad 2).

  • Correa abierta GT2 con núcleo de acero, ancho de 15mm para piezas de impresora 3D, antidesgaste, refuerzo (Cantidad 5mts).

Correa abierta 2GT.jpg
  • Poleas de sincronización 2GT, 20 dientes, diámetro cel centro 8mm, ancho de ruedas sincrónicas para correa de 15mm (Cantidad 4).

Poleas 2GT - 20 dientes de 15mm de ancho x 8mm de centro.webp
  • Printfly-correa de distribución GT2, longitud de paso 1500 ancho de 10mm, 2GT, 2M. (Cantidad 2).

Correa 2GT cerrada de 10mm de ancho x 1500mm perimetro.webp
  • Correa de distribución para impresora 3D, accesorio de goma de bucle cerrado GT2/2M longitud 1800mm dientes 900T ancho 15mm (Cantidad 2).

Correa 2GT cerrada de 15mm de ancho x 1800mm de perimetro.webp
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